Source code for micarray.modal.angular

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from .. import util

[docs]def sht_matrix(N, azi, elev, weights=None): r"""Matrix of spherical harmonics up to order N for given angles. Computes a matrix of spherical harmonics up to order :math:`N` for the given angles/grid. .. math:: \mathbf{Y} = \left[ \begin{array}{cccccc} Y_0^0(\theta[0], \phi[0]) & Y_1^{-1}(\theta[0], \phi[0]) & Y_1^0(\theta[0], \phi[0]) & Y_1^1(\theta[0], \phi[0]) & \dots & Y_N^N(\theta[0], \phi[0]) \\ Y_0^0(\theta[1], \phi[1]) & Y_1^{-1}(\theta[1], \phi[1]) & Y_1^0(\theta[1], \phi[1]) & Y_1^1(\theta[1], \phi[1]) & \dots & Y_N^N(\theta[1], \phi[1]) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ Y_0^0(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) & Y_1^{-1}(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) & Y_1^0(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) & Y_1^1(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) & \dots & Y_N^N(\theta[Q-1], \phi[Q-1]) \end{array} \right] where .. math:: Y_n^m(\theta, \phi) = \sqrt{\frac{2n + 1}{4 \pi} \frac{(n-m)!}{(n+m)!}} P_n^m(\cos \theta) e^{i m \phi} Parameters ---------- N : int Maximum order. azi : (Q,) array_like Azimuth. elev : (Q,) array_like Elevation. weights : (Q,) array_like, optional Quadrature weights. Returns ------- Ymn : ((N+1)**2, Q) numpy.ndarray Matrix of spherical harmonics. """ azi = util.asarray_1d(azi) elev = util.asarray_1d(elev) if azi.ndim == 0: M = 1 else: M = len(azi) if weights is None: weights = np.ones(M) Ymn = np.zeros([(N+1)**2, M], dtype=complex) i = 0 for n in range(N+1): for m in range(-n, n+1): Ymn[i, :] = weights * special.sph_harm(m, n, azi, elev) i += 1 return Ymn
[docs]def Legendre_matrix(N, ctheta): r"""Matrix of weighted Legendre Polynominals. Computes a matrix of weighted Legendre polynominals up to order N for the given angles .. math:: L_n(\theta) = \frac{2n+1}{4 \pi} P_n(\theta) Parameters ---------- N : int Maximum order. ctheta : (Q,) array_like Angles. Returns ------- Lmn : ((N+1), Q) numpy.ndarray Matrix containing Legendre polynominals. """ if ctheta.ndim == 0: M = 1 else: M = len(ctheta) Lmn = np.zeros([N+1, M], dtype=complex) for n in range(N+1): Lmn[n, :] = (2*n+1)/(4*np.pi) * np.polyval(special.legendre(n), ctheta) return Lmn
[docs]def grid_equal_angle(n): """Equi-angular sampling points on a sphere. According to (cf. Rafaely book, sec.3.2) Parameters ---------- n : int Maximum order. Returns ------- azi : array_like Azimuth. elev : array_like Elevation. weights : array_like Quadrature weights. """ azi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 2*n+2, endpoint=False) elev, d_elev = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 2*n+2, endpoint=False, retstep=True) elev += d_elev/2 weights = np.zeros_like(elev) p = np.arange(1, 2*n+2, 2) for i, theta in enumerate(elev): weights[i] = 2*np.pi/(n+1) * np.sin(theta) * np.sum(np.sin(p*theta)/p) azi = np.tile(azi, 2*n+2) elev = np.repeat(elev, 2*n+2) weights = np.repeat(weights, 2*n+2) weights /= n+1 # sum(weights) == 4pi return azi, elev, weights
[docs]def grid_gauss(n): """ Gauss-Legendre sampling points on sphere. According to (cf. Rafaely book, sec.3.3) Parameters ---------- n : int Maximum order. Returns ------- azi : array_like Azimuth. elev : array_like Elevation. weights : array_like Quadrature weights. """ azi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 2*n+2, endpoint=False) x, weights = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(n+1) elev = np.arccos(x) azi = np.tile(azi, n+1) elev = np.repeat(elev, 2*n+2) weights = np.repeat(weights, 2*n+2) weights *= np.pi / (n+1) # sum(weights) == 4pi return azi, elev, weights